Wednesday 16 December 2009

Tuesday 15 December 2009

At school, I feel....

At school, I feel different feelings in every different subjects. Now, I’m going to discribe how do I feel in Math, ESL, Humanities, Science, and Band.

First of all, in math, I feel nervous because somtime, we get a check up and pop quiz and that really scares me so much. Second of all, for scince, I feel excited becaue in science we do a lot of interesting experiment and that makes me so excited to do. Also, it makes me uerstand more about the subjects. Third of all, in ESL, I feel peacful because I just feel safe been in ESL class with my frineds and my ESL teacher is my homegroup teacher too, and that makes me more safer to be. Forth of all, for Humanities, I feel sleepy because be hounest to my self, I feel really sleepy in humanities because of a riligion. But still, I get to know more about the different types of religions. Last of all, in Band, I feel joyful because I do like to play my insterment which is flute, and sometimes we get a new peace and that makes me fun.

In school, I have different types of feelings. Still, I like to go to school because I get to meet my friends, learn a lot of different and new things, make new friends, and meet different teachers.

Monday 23 November 2009

The time when I was sad...

When is your time that you are really sad in your whole life?? Well, for me it’s the time when my cat passed away. Her name is Burg. Burg was their before I was born and I gown up with her, so it was like one of my family. Her age was 16, and if you change it to a humans age, it about 90 years old. She died because of a sickness. My parents gave her too much dried bonito (my cat’s favorite food) even though their are not spouse to because she had grown older, but we didn’t know that we have to change the foods. She also drank too many water because I’m not really sure, but I think because it was too salty for an old cat. We notice that she wasn’t feeling well because she started to hide under the sofa, bed, and table because maybe she didn’t want anyone to touch her. At the same time, she vomited a lot of liquid. That was the actual sigh that the food needs to change, but we didn’t know about that. We even went to the animal hospital for many times, but the doctor said she wont live that long. As soon as I heard that, my tears started to came off from my eyes and my head was just empty. I did not know what to say after that. After 3 weeks, she passed way on September 11th Friday, 4:55am. I still remembered how did I felt at that time before I go to school, I remembered my heart beats was almost fast as the metronome. My head was peer white, sweating a lot, and crying a lot. In Japan, when their pets passed way, a lot of people keep their pets bones and keep it with you. So few days later, we went to the place and burned her and brought back the bones. We put her favorite food, toys and her pictures at the shelf. We do still keep it and it behind me. I always say hi and bye when I go out or come back from outside.
This is my saddest thing I ever had in my whole life. As I type this down, my tears is coming from my both eyes because when I ever flash back about that happening, I always cry. Sorry, but thank you for hearing my sad story.

Thursday 5 November 2009

My Myth Retell Written Story

In my book project, the SLR that I think I showed is "Think Creativily" because in my writing, I think I showed the detailed words or described words that is very creative.I am proud of my writing by I added the explanations on each pages and that will make the story more interesting to read. If I could have a one chance to make it even better, I would put more better ideas in because I did show a lot of details, but I didn't had that much stong ideas in my writing. So I would make that change next time. The most challenging aspect was writing in Pandora's eye poing of view. I overcome this challenge by supported from Ms. Gonnerman to make it even better. In this assignment, I have learned that next writing assignment, I would put more better ideas and effort in so that it will make it better writing.
*I got this picture from Goolge, first page and typed "light bulb"

Friday 23 October 2009

Strange Picture Orginal Story

Where is she come from? Who is she? Why is the pumpkin shining so hard? Why is her eyes been so serious? Well, here is my own original story that I think why is she there.
Once in 1999, there was a one woman who was very mean and doesn't like talking to anyone or laughing. She was a very lonely woman who lived in one dessert that not many people know that dessert. Also, she had one more secret. She was a witch! A very famous witch that everyone in the land knows her. She had a one cool power. Which is to change her body as she like. She can also turn into animals or plants too. Normally, she would change her body as a one strange woman so that nobody could really tell about her so people were not be able to find her. One night, she made a strong, sticky medicine from a special pumpkin that she made it by her self and that can make people fall into the deep sleep forever. She had to make some medicines as she had a mad feeling into her heart because now all the peoples were getting to know that the strange woman is a witch. So all the peoples were started to gather with her and try to talk to her, but she didn't even say a one word at all. In her head, she wanted to get out of these peoples or ells; she would not be able to survive. That was only the decisions that she had to make it to her self.
Is that answered all your questions? I hope it did. In my opinion, I think this story represent this scare picture. What do you think when you looked at this picture?

Sunday 11 October 2009

Why Write??

Some people wonder why do we even care about writing? Well, I think because it is a lot more easier to tell someone about your feeling rather then saying it from your mouth. For example, when you want to tell somebody the truth and to tell your real feelings but maybe you are to shy to say it in front of that person, then you can write a letter telling about your feelings. Or if you want to memorize something, then that would be the easier way and good thing. But sometime, it could be bad thing because once you wrote somewhere, then maybe someone would find it and read it.
Otherwise, if we learn to write, your speaking or your feature would be a lot more easier. Overall, we write because we want to communicate, or to improve your self.

Why Write??

Tuesday 29 September 2009

My SLR Progress Today

The 1 SLR that I am doing well in ESL is Live Ethically because in my class, I try to take care of others and my classroom. I think that it is important to take care of others because if you hurt someone's feeling, then that person would do it back to you someday and you might feel bad after you've done something. I also think that it is important to take care of the classroom because you need to share and it is not only for your self. Also, when you use it very carefully and taking care of it, then that classroom would be much better and it feel nice to be in it.

The 1 SLR that I need to improve on is Collaborate Constructively because when Ms.Gonnerman told us to chose a partner, I always chose my friend, or a girls but not boys. So from now on, I would like to mix up my partner and communicate with others in the classroom, or the outside activity's.

Wednesday 23 September 2009

Difference and similarities between Pandora and Orphan Boy

The similarities between Pandora and Orphan Boy is that they both don’t have a happy ending. Their main things come from the sky and they both are lonely. Also, they were warned about what they could do and and what not to do, but they did not listen and made poor decisions.The most important thing is that the both storys had a curiosity, negative and dangerous.

The difference between Pandora and Orphan Boy is that for Pandora, it’s something to do with a box and Orphan boy is something to do with an Orphan. Pandora’s story took place in Greece and Orphan Boy is from Africa. At the last part of the story, Pandora stayed with Epimetheius and for the Orphan boy, the boy vanished became the star into the nigh sky.

Wordle on Pandora Story

For my wordle, I put curiosity, humankind, create, hope and box with a big word because I think that these words are the important in this Pandora story and can be a main words in the story. So I chose these as big words that represent the story.
I put other one as a smaller then the other because it is also important, but not as the words that I got last time. It like supporting words.

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Book Report Refraction

For my project, I made a timeline on my big poster. I though of this book very interesting and funny story because it is about the one boy and he gets in trouble a lot but he has a lot of friends. If I get to chose another book to read, I would chose more harder book because this book was little too easy for me. But I would still keep on reading the same general. In my project, I think I did well on organizing all my places because on the top box, I put my summery, bottom box, I put my review of this book and at the middle part, I put my timeline of this book. For my presentation, I would say eye contact because I tried to look at there eyes when I am saying something and try to not read out from the sheet that I had in my hand. Something that I would improve more in my next project would be my hand writing because in my opinion, I write my words so wired and not really neat. For the presentation, I need to work on saying my words clearly because I tried to speak loud enough that everyone could hear, but I think that I didn’t spoke clearly. So these would be the one that I need to improve on. The SLR that I used in this project is maybe communicate effectively because I always to look at there eyes and spoke loud enough that whole my class could hear. So I think that would be the one.

Tuesday 8 September 2009

My Memories

Something from long ago...:
I know that many people have special different things that comes from long time ago. But everybody has there own special things like me. For mine, it is my heart necklace because my mom gave it to me when I was grade 1. My necklace color is light pink and my mom has a same one but blue heart. Everytime I see or put it on my self, it makes me very peaceful and happy. I don't usely put it on my self often because it is kind of heavy and if I lose it, I will be really sad and upset about for a long time. I am really glad about my self that I gat this special necklace form my mom. This is one of my treasure inside my heart and never forget the memory that I had in that long time ago.

Something that is precious as gold...:
I have a lot of things that precious as gold but I would like to represent one of my stuffs. Which is a small teddy bear. I gat the teddy bear when I was kindergarten from my cousin. The color of the bear is light yellow and has a ribbon on the neck. It get little dirty because I played with it too much. I don't really remember that much about that time because I was too yung, but when I gat it, I have a mProxy-Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: max-age=0

ory of been very happy and always be with me. Thinking back to my memory, I thank for my cousin for be very nice and kind for me all years. So someday, I would like to give something back to thank them.

Wednesday 2 September 2009

Orphan Boy Summary

In this story Orphan Boy, the old man was looking at the sky for a long time that he can remember how many stars are in he sky. One day, he notice that one star was missing from the Sky. After noticing, he meet with Kileken. Kilekin had a hidden power and he actually prove it to the old man. The old mad dicided to take Kileken home with him. But the time goes, the old man wanted to ask a lot of question to Kileken but he couldn't. After awhile, Kileken was gone to the sky and be the one of the stars and never came back again.

My Name

The meaning of the name of Ayaka in Japanese is a meaning of bright, gentle, and clever girl. My parents decided to chose Ayaka as my name because they were able to arrive with all the wishes into my name. The advantage of my name is that it is a lovely name and it is easy to pronounce and my mom liked the sound of Aya. Before I was born, my mom wanted to use Aya in my name. Also, my mom was thinking of giving me a name of Ayane or Ayaka. But as soon as I born, they looked at my face and decided to name me Ayaka. The disadvantage of my name is that in Japan, there are so many people that have a same name in Japan. Maybe it because it is easy to pronounce my name. If
I am able to change my name, I don’t want to change it because I like my sound of Aya and the meanings that I have in my name. Do you think I ever been teased by my name? The answer is yes because my last name is almost same as the animal name if I changed my last name little bit in Japanese. Which is hippopotamus. I don’t like my last name because when I was grade 3 until now, someone would make fun of my last name and still someone would call me by my last name and I really don’t like that… but I like my first name because I like the sound of my name and meaning too. Also, the letter A.
Over all, I like my name and I am glad to have a cool and beautiful name from my parents.

Saturday 22 August 2009

Summary about Phan Ku

The summery about Phan Ku is that he was the first being and the great creator and Phan Ku was the monster that who gave us the all the nature to the world. But the world was at last compleated when he passed away.

Now, I would like to discrive about my picture, Phan Ku. On the right side, I drew a baby Phan Ku that was in the space who born from the egg. On the life side, I drew Phan Ku like a half human and half monster with a huge horns, has a lot of hair, and holding a chisel. Phan Ku is standing on the earth because that shows that he is the one who created the world. Beside the earth, I drew some creations that Phan Ku made to the earth. Such as rocks, river, plant, thunder, wind and clouds, rain, ect... I really enjoyed drawing about Phan Ku because then I really had to image what does he looks like.

Thursday 20 August 2009

My Goals(>0<)

“Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.”
Greg Andersond

My goals from the school are make my hand writing neat because I get worse and worse when I keep on writing. So I would like to improve on it by writing a lot of story, or paragraph. My second goal is to get better at writing, or speaking in English because I would like to get better, and try to move up. Fot that, I also like to write a lot then I did before. My last goal is to concentrat during the class. I chose that because in my class, sometime I talk to my friend too much. So I would like to listen to teachers more for now on. For this goal, when I think that I am not getting my work done, then I could move to the different places. For these goals, Ms. Gonnerman, or my tutor could help me with some part of my goals.

My goals for my life are read more books. I would try to read more books then I read before. Second goal is to be positive. For this, I would like to think outside of the box. My last goal is to work hard for everything. That may help support with my English skills and at the same time, maybe I could go to higher level. For these goals, Ms. Gonnerman or my tutor can help me again.

Tuesday 2 June 2009

Introducing my self (^0^)

Hello! My name is Ayaka Kobayashi. I’m from Japan. I am excided to go to grade 7 because I think that it would be very enjoyable then grade 6.
I would like to present my self by telling about what I like to do, or what do I dislike about, or what I would like to work on.

One thing that I liked to be in grade 6 is that the we could get to know a lot of new students that come from other countries and some experience too. Such as Malaysia Week. I really had fun going to Malaysia Week because I never been to that far places which is Pulau Perhentian Kecil. I really had so much fun in that place. Even though, it was far way to go. I have done a lot of activities. Such as making you own tool for campfire by cutting a tree by a knife, snorkeling almost every day, and a lot of other fun activities. So I would like to recommend this place because is it pretty cool and interesting place to go visit
In grade 7, I would like to focus on reading, writing, grammar and spelling because my English is my second language and I have been in ESL for long time. That is my one of the weakest spot that I really need to work on. So this year in grade 7, I would like to work on these goals so hard that I could go up to the higher level and improve my English skills.

The one of the class that I’m good at is drama because I like to act and making loud voice and perform. I also think that having drama was really fun. I also like having humanities because I could improve my English skills, or sentence structure, or something more. It is also good because you could meet to your new teachers or your new friends too. Over all, I would say all because I don’t really have a subject that I dislike. But I’m very weak at math. So in next year, I would like to get better at it.

Now this is all about me. I hope you get to know about me better then before. I would love to meet with all the new teachers and new friends and work harder to improve everything that I need to work at.

Monday 13 April 2009

Spring Break in 2009!

After such a long, hard Malaysia Week, filled with snorkeling, swimming and lying on the beach, I really needed the spring break holiday!

My spring break was spent in KL. Usually we go back to Japan every holiday but this time, spring break was too short. Although I was disppointed I didn't mind because I'm going back to Japan forever, this summer. So we dicided to make the most of my last few months in KL.

For the first few days, I slept the whole day as I had nothing to do but sleep. But suddenly, I remembered my ESL project! So I started working on my pictures for Ancient Egypt Timeline.

After about 5 days, I spent some time going shopping with my mom to KLCC and Pavilion. I bought new clothes and had my nails polished. I felt great. It's been long time since I went to Pavilion. Unfortunately, I was still working on my Timeline. My head was filled with information about Egypt. Luckly, I had my sleepover coming up!

My spring break was almost at the end. I felt very sad because I wanted to have more! As the time flew by past, I had a sleepover with my friend, Sarah Silva. She is one of my best friends. During the sleepover, we played with vollyball, swimming, and video games. We had a lot of fun. It was the best time ever I had in spring break.

At last, it's the last week of spring break. On Friday, I had another fun but sad time. I had a farewell party for Kaori with my other Japanese friends because Kaori is leaving ISKL, and that means even MALAYSIA! She was my good friend. Since she left, I'm now the only one that comes from Japan...But I've got used to it, so I'm ok. During the party, we played a lot of games, such as Wii, billiards, and video games too. We ate a lot of pizza. It was good, but at the same time, I ate too much so I couldn't eat my break- fast!! I felt happy, but upset as the time went quickly. However Kaori and I decided to go Tokyo Disney Land during the summer vacation so that we could meet each other again and have a lot of fun! By that time, I had already finished my Timeline!! I was so pleased with my self because the rest of the few days, I had nothing to do! And I also felt that I achieved my goal in spring break! Now, I'M FREE!!!

By the end of the week, or should I say, END OF THE SPRING BREAK! I felt miserable as the time had past by quickly. Reflecting back on my holiday, I think I had a fun, enjoyble and fabulous 2 weeks. Even now, I feel I want to have a break AGAIN!!!!

Tuesday 10 March 2009

Environmental Factor

First, I picked river because river is still, important in our everyday life. For an example, we could use a river as washing our bodies, and cloths, easy to farm near the places, can provides fresh water to the land/ places, and could provides food by catching a fishes. Or it is possible to transportation to another far place. And I think that would help.

Second, I picked trees, because trees may help our life by making shade out of it, making food from it such as fruits, and that would also helps as to make a lot of papers in our everyday moments, and that may also help as to farm easily.

At last, I picked plains, because on that place, u could do a lot of things from their, such as it is very easy to farm because they has not a lot of rocky things around it, and those things would helps as because making food is very important in our life. So that we could enough food for that land/ or places for everybody.

Thursday 29 January 2009

Japan of Civilization

Culture: In Japan, we ware Kimono for a New Year. They have a lot of different colors of that cloth. For girls, they tie the big ribbons at the back. At the arms, the cloth is very long like round the waist. And wear a high shoe, which is made out of trees.
For boys, the color is only 3 types of colors. Which is black, white, or very dark blue.
They put a fluffy white ball on the front around the waist. We use to eats like an Osechi, and Ozouni. For Osechi, they put some fish, beans, chicken, egg, vegetables, kelp, sweet-chestnut, and steamed fish paste. That is a healthy food to eat. For Ozouni, they have yuzu, honewort, chicken, and rice cake. It also depends on the houses.

Arts: In Japan, some people learn, or write the calligraphy. We write a Japanese character or Japanese words. We use a one thin paper to write on, and we use the charcoal to write with. Another one is call Origami. We use a colorful paper. And you try to fold it. Like make a shape of animals, flower, or what ever. We also have Japanese China Ware. You can make out of clay. And when its dry, then you could uses for a cup, or what ever.
The last one is Japanese Fabric. It is made out of silk. It’s used for a cloth, curtains, etc.

Religion: In Japan, all most everyone is on Buddhism. Which is an Asian religion based on the teaching of Gautama Siddhartha. But some of them could be something else like Christian.

Writing: In Japan, we use to write a word with a Japanese character, and another 2 words. One is call “katakana.” The another one is “hiragana.” It is an almost same, but little-bit different.

Government: Japan has a national government with legislative, administrative and judicial functions. The nation is divided into 47 prefectures. The prefectural and municipal assembly members are popularly elected for four-year terms.
Technology: Some of Japan's more important technological contributions are found in the fields of electronics, machinery, robotics, optics, chemicals, semiconductors and metals.
Social Structure: About 400 years ago, Japanese society was classified in 4 categories, namely, Samurai, Farmers, Industries and commerce. Families who belong to each classification have to take over same job and society position. But, after World War II, democracy was introduced and free selection for any job was allowed for everybody as one of human rights.
Stable Food Supply: Japan is relied on importing many foods from other countries to maintain a stable food supply domestically. World peace is one of the conditions for Japanese to live so that we can enjoy variety of foods over the world.

Thursday 15 January 2009

Winter Vacation

In my winter vacation, I went to Japan. And I had a lot of fun in their. But that day I and my mom arrived in Japan, it was 5 degrees. It was very very cold. So that my grandmother came to airport to pick us up to my aunt’s house because every time when we go back to Japan, she let’s me stay in her house. After we put our stuffs in to her house, I, my mom, aunt, and my grandmother went to eat some Sushi. It tastes great. And after my grand-mother went back to her own house, that day we just stayed in her house because it was too cold for as for a first day to go put side….

On the other-day, I and my mom went to Tokyo Disney Land because in their, the park was 25 anniversary, and I just likes the rides. In their, I bough a lot of goods for a Christmas. And I had a lot of rids. We had a great time in their! We also watched some shows. But still cold. And that day, it rained at night!! It was terrible at night…

Today, I went to a lot of places. Like going to SHOPPING!! And I bought a lot of stuffs. Like cloth, etc… And on that day, I made my first glasses because I had trouble looking at the board. I didn’t like wearing glasses. But I had to because I can’t see the board when I am studying. So that was an ok thing for me.

I went to my grandmother’s and grandfather’s house. And I got a lot of money from them because it was Christmas, they told me that I could buy anything I want to, and the other things is for my birth-day. My birth-day was on January 10th. But I am not staying for that long, so they gave me first, and another one is for Chinese New Year. So I got a lots form all the places. Like my grand-mother’s sister, or friends, or what ever.
I also had a great time in there too.

Today is the day I and my mom have to go back to Malaysia. I felt sad because we only been to Japan for like only 10 days. So it was a very busy days and cold days. And I miss every-one. In the air-port, my grand-mother, and my mom’s brother came to say bye to us. That was nice things.

And my aunt’s has a dog, which is very cute. His name is EVISU. And it was hard to say bye because he also looked at us in the sad ways, so I think that he knows that we are going back. And also, my aunt is pregnant. It is a boy. He is going to born in April something. I hope she will born him safely!