Wednesday 23 September 2009

Difference and similarities between Pandora and Orphan Boy

The similarities between Pandora and Orphan Boy is that they both don’t have a happy ending. Their main things come from the sky and they both are lonely. Also, they were warned about what they could do and and what not to do, but they did not listen and made poor decisions.The most important thing is that the both storys had a curiosity, negative and dangerous.

The difference between Pandora and Orphan Boy is that for Pandora, it’s something to do with a box and Orphan boy is something to do with an Orphan. Pandora’s story took place in Greece and Orphan Boy is from Africa. At the last part of the story, Pandora stayed with Epimetheius and for the Orphan boy, the boy vanished became the star into the nigh sky.

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