Tuesday 29 September 2009

My SLR Progress Today

The 1 SLR that I am doing well in ESL is Live Ethically because in my class, I try to take care of others and my classroom. I think that it is important to take care of others because if you hurt someone's feeling, then that person would do it back to you someday and you might feel bad after you've done something. I also think that it is important to take care of the classroom because you need to share and it is not only for your self. Also, when you use it very carefully and taking care of it, then that classroom would be much better and it feel nice to be in it.

The 1 SLR that I need to improve on is Collaborate Constructively because when Ms.Gonnerman told us to chose a partner, I always chose my friend, or a girls but not boys. So from now on, I would like to mix up my partner and communicate with others in the classroom, or the outside activity's.

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