Tuesday 15 September 2009

Book Report Refraction

For my project, I made a timeline on my big poster. I though of this book very interesting and funny story because it is about the one boy and he gets in trouble a lot but he has a lot of friends. If I get to chose another book to read, I would chose more harder book because this book was little too easy for me. But I would still keep on reading the same general. In my project, I think I did well on organizing all my places because on the top box, I put my summery, bottom box, I put my review of this book and at the middle part, I put my timeline of this book. For my presentation, I would say eye contact because I tried to look at there eyes when I am saying something and try to not read out from the sheet that I had in my hand. Something that I would improve more in my next project would be my hand writing because in my opinion, I write my words so wired and not really neat. For the presentation, I need to work on saying my words clearly because I tried to speak loud enough that everyone could hear, but I think that I didn’t spoke clearly. So these would be the one that I need to improve on. The SLR that I used in this project is maybe communicate effectively because I always to look at there eyes and spoke loud enough that whole my class could hear. So I think that would be the one.

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