Tuesday 8 September 2009

My Memories

Something from long ago...:
I know that many people have special different things that comes from long time ago. But everybody has there own special things like me. For mine, it is my heart necklace because my mom gave it to me when I was grade 1. My necklace color is light pink and my mom has a same one but blue heart. Everytime I see or put it on my self, it makes me very peaceful and happy. I don't usely put it on my self often because it is kind of heavy and if I lose it, I will be really sad and upset about for a long time. I am really glad about my self that I gat this special necklace form my mom. This is one of my treasure inside my heart and never forget the memory that I had in that long time ago.

Something that is precious as gold...:
I have a lot of things that precious as gold but I would like to represent one of my stuffs. Which is a small teddy bear. I gat the teddy bear when I was kindergarten from my cousin. The color of the bear is light yellow and has a ribbon on the neck. It get little dirty because I played with it too much. I don't really remember that much about that time because I was too yung, but when I gat it, I have a mProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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ory of been very happy and always be with me. Thinking back to my memory, I thank for my cousin for be very nice and kind for me all years. So someday, I would like to give something back to thank them.

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