Wednesday 2 September 2009

My Name

The meaning of the name of Ayaka in Japanese is a meaning of bright, gentle, and clever girl. My parents decided to chose Ayaka as my name because they were able to arrive with all the wishes into my name. The advantage of my name is that it is a lovely name and it is easy to pronounce and my mom liked the sound of Aya. Before I was born, my mom wanted to use Aya in my name. Also, my mom was thinking of giving me a name of Ayane or Ayaka. But as soon as I born, they looked at my face and decided to name me Ayaka. The disadvantage of my name is that in Japan, there are so many people that have a same name in Japan. Maybe it because it is easy to pronounce my name. If
I am able to change my name, I don’t want to change it because I like my sound of Aya and the meanings that I have in my name. Do you think I ever been teased by my name? The answer is yes because my last name is almost same as the animal name if I changed my last name little bit in Japanese. Which is hippopotamus. I don’t like my last name because when I was grade 3 until now, someone would make fun of my last name and still someone would call me by my last name and I really don’t like that… but I like my first name because I like the sound of my name and meaning too. Also, the letter A.
Over all, I like my name and I am glad to have a cool and beautiful name from my parents.

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