Tuesday 29 September 2009

My SLR Progress Today

The 1 SLR that I am doing well in ESL is Live Ethically because in my class, I try to take care of others and my classroom. I think that it is important to take care of others because if you hurt someone's feeling, then that person would do it back to you someday and you might feel bad after you've done something. I also think that it is important to take care of the classroom because you need to share and it is not only for your self. Also, when you use it very carefully and taking care of it, then that classroom would be much better and it feel nice to be in it.

The 1 SLR that I need to improve on is Collaborate Constructively because when Ms.Gonnerman told us to chose a partner, I always chose my friend, or a girls but not boys. So from now on, I would like to mix up my partner and communicate with others in the classroom, or the outside activity's.

Wednesday 23 September 2009

Difference and similarities between Pandora and Orphan Boy

The similarities between Pandora and Orphan Boy is that they both don’t have a happy ending. Their main things come from the sky and they both are lonely. Also, they were warned about what they could do and and what not to do, but they did not listen and made poor decisions.The most important thing is that the both storys had a curiosity, negative and dangerous.

The difference between Pandora and Orphan Boy is that for Pandora, it’s something to do with a box and Orphan boy is something to do with an Orphan. Pandora’s story took place in Greece and Orphan Boy is from Africa. At the last part of the story, Pandora stayed with Epimetheius and for the Orphan boy, the boy vanished became the star into the nigh sky.

Wordle on Pandora Story

For my wordle, I put curiosity, humankind, create, hope and box with a big word because I think that these words are the important in this Pandora story and can be a main words in the story. So I chose these as big words that represent the story.
I put other one as a smaller then the other because it is also important, but not as the words that I got last time. It like supporting words.

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Book Report Refraction

For my project, I made a timeline on my big poster. I though of this book very interesting and funny story because it is about the one boy and he gets in trouble a lot but he has a lot of friends. If I get to chose another book to read, I would chose more harder book because this book was little too easy for me. But I would still keep on reading the same general. In my project, I think I did well on organizing all my places because on the top box, I put my summery, bottom box, I put my review of this book and at the middle part, I put my timeline of this book. For my presentation, I would say eye contact because I tried to look at there eyes when I am saying something and try to not read out from the sheet that I had in my hand. Something that I would improve more in my next project would be my hand writing because in my opinion, I write my words so wired and not really neat. For the presentation, I need to work on saying my words clearly because I tried to speak loud enough that everyone could hear, but I think that I didn’t spoke clearly. So these would be the one that I need to improve on. The SLR that I used in this project is maybe communicate effectively because I always to look at there eyes and spoke loud enough that whole my class could hear. So I think that would be the one.

Tuesday 8 September 2009

My Memories

Something from long ago...:
I know that many people have special different things that comes from long time ago. But everybody has there own special things like me. For mine, it is my heart necklace because my mom gave it to me when I was grade 1. My necklace color is light pink and my mom has a same one but blue heart. Everytime I see or put it on my self, it makes me very peaceful and happy. I don't usely put it on my self often because it is kind of heavy and if I lose it, I will be really sad and upset about for a long time. I am really glad about my self that I gat this special necklace form my mom. This is one of my treasure inside my heart and never forget the memory that I had in that long time ago.

Something that is precious as gold...:
I have a lot of things that precious as gold but I would like to represent one of my stuffs. Which is a small teddy bear. I gat the teddy bear when I was kindergarten from my cousin. The color of the bear is light yellow and has a ribbon on the neck. It get little dirty because I played with it too much. I don't really remember that much about that time because I was too yung, but when I gat it, I have a mProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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ory of been very happy and always be with me. Thinking back to my memory, I thank for my cousin for be very nice and kind for me all years. So someday, I would like to give something back to thank them.

Wednesday 2 September 2009

Orphan Boy Summary

In this story Orphan Boy, the old man was looking at the sky for a long time that he can remember how many stars are in he sky. One day, he notice that one star was missing from the Sky. After noticing, he meet with Kileken. Kilekin had a hidden power and he actually prove it to the old man. The old mad dicided to take Kileken home with him. But the time goes, the old man wanted to ask a lot of question to Kileken but he couldn't. After awhile, Kileken was gone to the sky and be the one of the stars and never came back again.

My Name

The meaning of the name of Ayaka in Japanese is a meaning of bright, gentle, and clever girl. My parents decided to chose Ayaka as my name because they were able to arrive with all the wishes into my name. The advantage of my name is that it is a lovely name and it is easy to pronounce and my mom liked the sound of Aya. Before I was born, my mom wanted to use Aya in my name. Also, my mom was thinking of giving me a name of Ayane or Ayaka. But as soon as I born, they looked at my face and decided to name me Ayaka. The disadvantage of my name is that in Japan, there are so many people that have a same name in Japan. Maybe it because it is easy to pronounce my name. If
I am able to change my name, I don’t want to change it because I like my sound of Aya and the meanings that I have in my name. Do you think I ever been teased by my name? The answer is yes because my last name is almost same as the animal name if I changed my last name little bit in Japanese. Which is hippopotamus. I don’t like my last name because when I was grade 3 until now, someone would make fun of my last name and still someone would call me by my last name and I really don’t like that… but I like my first name because I like the sound of my name and meaning too. Also, the letter A.
Over all, I like my name and I am glad to have a cool and beautiful name from my parents.