Monday 25 January 2010

ISKL mission Statement,,,,


The International School of Kuala Lumpur provides an (silence) exceptional education that challenges each student to develop the attitudes, skills, knowledge and understanding to become a highly successful, spirited, socially responsible global citizen.

In my opinion, I think that adding a silence after the "an" creates the most tension in this ISKL mission statement because the people who is trying to hear this mission but suddenly, it stops saying this information. When that happened, everyone would have at least one or two questions. Such as "What is going on?" or "What does the ISKL provides??" or "What happened??" or "Huh??." But that is the whole point of creating the music power of the "VOID."


One way that composers can create the tension and release into their music is to have a loud sound (ff) in their music but suddenly, it get so small (pp) but again, it goes up to the loud sound (ff) again and the audience would have a question about this music. At the same time, it also would create a beautiful and cool VOID.

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