Friday 29 January 2010

A Mystery Lottery Box...

I would call this "A Mystery Lottery Box..." because it is really mystery by the color of the lottery which is black. Like their isn't really a black lottery in this world and the color black would bring the unlucky thing. Also, if it was something with a black then I think that it represent like the mystery thing.

At first, I though like something peaceful and happy things were going to happen because at the first part, it sounded like happy story by having the nice time with their own family. But when it got to the the few pages of this story, my guess was changed to the unlucky way. The clues in the text led me think that way as saying the "black color of the lottery" because I never though that lottery can be a black.

When the end of this story was not given to me, I felt that it was the end of this story because I though this whole lesson was all about the void thing, but as soon as Mr.Housego told us that this wasn't the end of this story, I was like confuses and wanted to read it more and find out more about this strange story.

When I were handed the mystery paper, I felt very nervous and I knew that it wasn't true, it just the room and the air made me scared. Inside, I though it was like about the death time or something strange but as soon as I opened it, I felt very surprised because it had the last end of the story and had my assignment to do... Anyway, I felt surprised. I did follow the instructions and if people asked me why, then I can't answer it. I just don't know, but I just wanted to keep it until 5pm. Perhaps, I was scared. But not sure.

About the black box, I felt strange because I never read a story about a black lottery box and I know that the black color represent the bad stuff. For the black spot, I had a one question. "What is this for?." because in the story and on my letter, it had the black spot and I felt very strange about the spot. black paper, I felt scared because at first I though if you get the black paper, then it had like something to do with die.

When I read the end of this story, I felt shocked because I couldn't believe that she got hit from the stone to her side of the head and I didn't think that this will be the end of this story because you could tell by the past story. So as soon as I finished reading it, I felt like "Oh my gosh...."

Some part of my prediction was correct such as when this story said about the black box, then I though that it's not good thing because of the color. But rest of the prediction was wrong. I felt amazed because it is totally different from what I though to this story.

Maybe to think about this story better and get into the story or to imagine the story's took place and how does it feel like to be in their.

To make everyone who is reading to get an attention or to not stop reading. Like just keeps on reading because this author lives the voids and make us want to read on and on.

No/title author information: Let us go and read the whole story and then think about who wrote this strange story and what would this title would be. To make us imagine.

No ending: Makes us want to read more and feels like you want to have the next bit because you might be cirrus.

Text clues and foreshadowing throughout: To make us guess or have your own ideas about this story. Like having your own imaginations.

Mystery paper: Makes us want to feel like what is inside or to have a question about the paper.

Delayed ending: Makes us have a question or to have feeling about curiousness over the next part.

Anything that created tension and conflict for you....: Well, I think that this author didn't give us enough information and I think that she or he did it on purpose because I think that this whole story is about to make us have attention or to create a big void. Also, it does creates the question because when I was reading it with my groups, I had a lot of questions about the parts. Overall, it was very good example about the void and I think that I learned something new from this assignment.

Monday 25 January 2010

ISKL mission Statement,,,,


The International School of Kuala Lumpur provides an (silence) exceptional education that challenges each student to develop the attitudes, skills, knowledge and understanding to become a highly successful, spirited, socially responsible global citizen.

In my opinion, I think that adding a silence after the "an" creates the most tension in this ISKL mission statement because the people who is trying to hear this mission but suddenly, it stops saying this information. When that happened, everyone would have at least one or two questions. Such as "What is going on?" or "What does the ISKL provides??" or "What happened??" or "Huh??." But that is the whole point of creating the music power of the "VOID."


One way that composers can create the tension and release into their music is to have a loud sound (ff) in their music but suddenly, it get so small (pp) but again, it goes up to the loud sound (ff) again and the audience would have a question about this music. At the same time, it also would create a beautiful and cool VOID.

Thursday 21 January 2010

In the Shadow of Mountains

Steve McCurry graduated universally as one of the finest image-makers. He is very famous by his evocative color photography. Also, he captures the essence of human struggle, problems and joy. This photography is one of the scene that is telling us the message of the struggle that they have to face toward to. The photo that really stands out for me is "In the Shadow of Mountains" taken in Afghanistan in 1992. It shows a father and his young daughter at about 8 years old. Sitting together on the floor against the door covered in folk art. In front of them, there is a small, low and bright blue wooden table with a rifle, 2 glasses and a metal canister on it. The photo is surprisingly colorful with the bright blue table and the pink dress and scarf that the girl is wearing. In contrast, the background and that father are different shades brown. The father and his daughter are both looking at the same direction with their right hand some where on their faces. The similarities between father and his daughter highlight the closeness and the bond between them. By looking at this photo, I feel upset as both of them look worried. This is probably due to the war that is taking place around them. It sadness, upset and distress me to think of what the young girl has seen during the war, which is probably why she is leaning against her father for protection. In my opinion, I think that they should work as a collection because when you have the another pictures all together, then you could actually see the movement of the picture or it makes the picture trying to tell us the story and I think that this is the whole point that makes the person a good photo taker like a Steve McCurry.