Monday 23 November 2009

The time when I was sad...

When is your time that you are really sad in your whole life?? Well, for me it’s the time when my cat passed away. Her name is Burg. Burg was their before I was born and I gown up with her, so it was like one of my family. Her age was 16, and if you change it to a humans age, it about 90 years old. She died because of a sickness. My parents gave her too much dried bonito (my cat’s favorite food) even though their are not spouse to because she had grown older, but we didn’t know that we have to change the foods. She also drank too many water because I’m not really sure, but I think because it was too salty for an old cat. We notice that she wasn’t feeling well because she started to hide under the sofa, bed, and table because maybe she didn’t want anyone to touch her. At the same time, she vomited a lot of liquid. That was the actual sigh that the food needs to change, but we didn’t know about that. We even went to the animal hospital for many times, but the doctor said she wont live that long. As soon as I heard that, my tears started to came off from my eyes and my head was just empty. I did not know what to say after that. After 3 weeks, she passed way on September 11th Friday, 4:55am. I still remembered how did I felt at that time before I go to school, I remembered my heart beats was almost fast as the metronome. My head was peer white, sweating a lot, and crying a lot. In Japan, when their pets passed way, a lot of people keep their pets bones and keep it with you. So few days later, we went to the place and burned her and brought back the bones. We put her favorite food, toys and her pictures at the shelf. We do still keep it and it behind me. I always say hi and bye when I go out or come back from outside.
This is my saddest thing I ever had in my whole life. As I type this down, my tears is coming from my both eyes because when I ever flash back about that happening, I always cry. Sorry, but thank you for hearing my sad story.

Thursday 5 November 2009

My Myth Retell Written Story

In my book project, the SLR that I think I showed is "Think Creativily" because in my writing, I think I showed the detailed words or described words that is very creative.I am proud of my writing by I added the explanations on each pages and that will make the story more interesting to read. If I could have a one chance to make it even better, I would put more better ideas in because I did show a lot of details, but I didn't had that much stong ideas in my writing. So I would make that change next time. The most challenging aspect was writing in Pandora's eye poing of view. I overcome this challenge by supported from Ms. Gonnerman to make it even better. In this assignment, I have learned that next writing assignment, I would put more better ideas and effort in so that it will make it better writing.
*I got this picture from Goolge, first page and typed "light bulb"