Thursday 29 January 2009

Japan of Civilization

Culture: In Japan, we ware Kimono for a New Year. They have a lot of different colors of that cloth. For girls, they tie the big ribbons at the back. At the arms, the cloth is very long like round the waist. And wear a high shoe, which is made out of trees.
For boys, the color is only 3 types of colors. Which is black, white, or very dark blue.
They put a fluffy white ball on the front around the waist. We use to eats like an Osechi, and Ozouni. For Osechi, they put some fish, beans, chicken, egg, vegetables, kelp, sweet-chestnut, and steamed fish paste. That is a healthy food to eat. For Ozouni, they have yuzu, honewort, chicken, and rice cake. It also depends on the houses.

Arts: In Japan, some people learn, or write the calligraphy. We write a Japanese character or Japanese words. We use a one thin paper to write on, and we use the charcoal to write with. Another one is call Origami. We use a colorful paper. And you try to fold it. Like make a shape of animals, flower, or what ever. We also have Japanese China Ware. You can make out of clay. And when its dry, then you could uses for a cup, or what ever.
The last one is Japanese Fabric. It is made out of silk. It’s used for a cloth, curtains, etc.

Religion: In Japan, all most everyone is on Buddhism. Which is an Asian religion based on the teaching of Gautama Siddhartha. But some of them could be something else like Christian.

Writing: In Japan, we use to write a word with a Japanese character, and another 2 words. One is call “katakana.” The another one is “hiragana.” It is an almost same, but little-bit different.

Government: Japan has a national government with legislative, administrative and judicial functions. The nation is divided into 47 prefectures. The prefectural and municipal assembly members are popularly elected for four-year terms.
Technology: Some of Japan's more important technological contributions are found in the fields of electronics, machinery, robotics, optics, chemicals, semiconductors and metals.
Social Structure: About 400 years ago, Japanese society was classified in 4 categories, namely, Samurai, Farmers, Industries and commerce. Families who belong to each classification have to take over same job and society position. But, after World War II, democracy was introduced and free selection for any job was allowed for everybody as one of human rights.
Stable Food Supply: Japan is relied on importing many foods from other countries to maintain a stable food supply domestically. World peace is one of the conditions for Japanese to live so that we can enjoy variety of foods over the world.

Thursday 15 January 2009

Winter Vacation

In my winter vacation, I went to Japan. And I had a lot of fun in their. But that day I and my mom arrived in Japan, it was 5 degrees. It was very very cold. So that my grandmother came to airport to pick us up to my aunt’s house because every time when we go back to Japan, she let’s me stay in her house. After we put our stuffs in to her house, I, my mom, aunt, and my grandmother went to eat some Sushi. It tastes great. And after my grand-mother went back to her own house, that day we just stayed in her house because it was too cold for as for a first day to go put side….

On the other-day, I and my mom went to Tokyo Disney Land because in their, the park was 25 anniversary, and I just likes the rides. In their, I bough a lot of goods for a Christmas. And I had a lot of rids. We had a great time in their! We also watched some shows. But still cold. And that day, it rained at night!! It was terrible at night…

Today, I went to a lot of places. Like going to SHOPPING!! And I bought a lot of stuffs. Like cloth, etc… And on that day, I made my first glasses because I had trouble looking at the board. I didn’t like wearing glasses. But I had to because I can’t see the board when I am studying. So that was an ok thing for me.

I went to my grandmother’s and grandfather’s house. And I got a lot of money from them because it was Christmas, they told me that I could buy anything I want to, and the other things is for my birth-day. My birth-day was on January 10th. But I am not staying for that long, so they gave me first, and another one is for Chinese New Year. So I got a lots form all the places. Like my grand-mother’s sister, or friends, or what ever.
I also had a great time in there too.

Today is the day I and my mom have to go back to Malaysia. I felt sad because we only been to Japan for like only 10 days. So it was a very busy days and cold days. And I miss every-one. In the air-port, my grand-mother, and my mom’s brother came to say bye to us. That was nice things.

And my aunt’s has a dog, which is very cute. His name is EVISU. And it was hard to say bye because he also looked at us in the sad ways, so I think that he knows that we are going back. And also, my aunt is pregnant. It is a boy. He is going to born in April something. I hope she will born him safely!