Wednesday 16 December 2009

Tuesday 15 December 2009

At school, I feel....

At school, I feel different feelings in every different subjects. Now, I’m going to discribe how do I feel in Math, ESL, Humanities, Science, and Band.

First of all, in math, I feel nervous because somtime, we get a check up and pop quiz and that really scares me so much. Second of all, for scince, I feel excited becaue in science we do a lot of interesting experiment and that makes me so excited to do. Also, it makes me uerstand more about the subjects. Third of all, in ESL, I feel peacful because I just feel safe been in ESL class with my frineds and my ESL teacher is my homegroup teacher too, and that makes me more safer to be. Forth of all, for Humanities, I feel sleepy because be hounest to my self, I feel really sleepy in humanities because of a riligion. But still, I get to know more about the different types of religions. Last of all, in Band, I feel joyful because I do like to play my insterment which is flute, and sometimes we get a new peace and that makes me fun.

In school, I have different types of feelings. Still, I like to go to school because I get to meet my friends, learn a lot of different and new things, make new friends, and meet different teachers.