Friday 23 October 2009

Strange Picture Orginal Story

Where is she come from? Who is she? Why is the pumpkin shining so hard? Why is her eyes been so serious? Well, here is my own original story that I think why is she there.
Once in 1999, there was a one woman who was very mean and doesn't like talking to anyone or laughing. She was a very lonely woman who lived in one dessert that not many people know that dessert. Also, she had one more secret. She was a witch! A very famous witch that everyone in the land knows her. She had a one cool power. Which is to change her body as she like. She can also turn into animals or plants too. Normally, she would change her body as a one strange woman so that nobody could really tell about her so people were not be able to find her. One night, she made a strong, sticky medicine from a special pumpkin that she made it by her self and that can make people fall into the deep sleep forever. She had to make some medicines as she had a mad feeling into her heart because now all the peoples were getting to know that the strange woman is a witch. So all the peoples were started to gather with her and try to talk to her, but she didn't even say a one word at all. In her head, she wanted to get out of these peoples or ells; she would not be able to survive. That was only the decisions that she had to make it to her self.
Is that answered all your questions? I hope it did. In my opinion, I think this story represent this scare picture. What do you think when you looked at this picture?

Sunday 11 October 2009

Why Write??

Some people wonder why do we even care about writing? Well, I think because it is a lot more easier to tell someone about your feeling rather then saying it from your mouth. For example, when you want to tell somebody the truth and to tell your real feelings but maybe you are to shy to say it in front of that person, then you can write a letter telling about your feelings. Or if you want to memorize something, then that would be the easier way and good thing. But sometime, it could be bad thing because once you wrote somewhere, then maybe someone would find it and read it.
Otherwise, if we learn to write, your speaking or your feature would be a lot more easier. Overall, we write because we want to communicate, or to improve your self.

Why Write??