Tuesday 2 June 2009

Introducing my self (^0^)

Hello! My name is Ayaka Kobayashi. I’m from Japan. I am excided to go to grade 7 because I think that it would be very enjoyable then grade 6.
I would like to present my self by telling about what I like to do, or what do I dislike about, or what I would like to work on.

One thing that I liked to be in grade 6 is that the we could get to know a lot of new students that come from other countries and some experience too. Such as Malaysia Week. I really had fun going to Malaysia Week because I never been to that far places which is Pulau Perhentian Kecil. I really had so much fun in that place. Even though, it was far way to go. I have done a lot of activities. Such as making you own tool for campfire by cutting a tree by a knife, snorkeling almost every day, and a lot of other fun activities. So I would like to recommend this place because is it pretty cool and interesting place to go visit
In grade 7, I would like to focus on reading, writing, grammar and spelling because my English is my second language and I have been in ESL for long time. That is my one of the weakest spot that I really need to work on. So this year in grade 7, I would like to work on these goals so hard that I could go up to the higher level and improve my English skills.

The one of the class that I’m good at is drama because I like to act and making loud voice and perform. I also think that having drama was really fun. I also like having humanities because I could improve my English skills, or sentence structure, or something more. It is also good because you could meet to your new teachers or your new friends too. Over all, I would say all because I don’t really have a subject that I dislike. But I’m very weak at math. So in next year, I would like to get better at it.

Now this is all about me. I hope you get to know about me better then before. I would love to meet with all the new teachers and new friends and work harder to improve everything that I need to work at.