Monday 13 April 2009

Spring Break in 2009!

After such a long, hard Malaysia Week, filled with snorkeling, swimming and lying on the beach, I really needed the spring break holiday!

My spring break was spent in KL. Usually we go back to Japan every holiday but this time, spring break was too short. Although I was disppointed I didn't mind because I'm going back to Japan forever, this summer. So we dicided to make the most of my last few months in KL.

For the first few days, I slept the whole day as I had nothing to do but sleep. But suddenly, I remembered my ESL project! So I started working on my pictures for Ancient Egypt Timeline.

After about 5 days, I spent some time going shopping with my mom to KLCC and Pavilion. I bought new clothes and had my nails polished. I felt great. It's been long time since I went to Pavilion. Unfortunately, I was still working on my Timeline. My head was filled with information about Egypt. Luckly, I had my sleepover coming up!

My spring break was almost at the end. I felt very sad because I wanted to have more! As the time flew by past, I had a sleepover with my friend, Sarah Silva. She is one of my best friends. During the sleepover, we played with vollyball, swimming, and video games. We had a lot of fun. It was the best time ever I had in spring break.

At last, it's the last week of spring break. On Friday, I had another fun but sad time. I had a farewell party for Kaori with my other Japanese friends because Kaori is leaving ISKL, and that means even MALAYSIA! She was my good friend. Since she left, I'm now the only one that comes from Japan...But I've got used to it, so I'm ok. During the party, we played a lot of games, such as Wii, billiards, and video games too. We ate a lot of pizza. It was good, but at the same time, I ate too much so I couldn't eat my break- fast!! I felt happy, but upset as the time went quickly. However Kaori and I decided to go Tokyo Disney Land during the summer vacation so that we could meet each other again and have a lot of fun! By that time, I had already finished my Timeline!! I was so pleased with my self because the rest of the few days, I had nothing to do! And I also felt that I achieved my goal in spring break! Now, I'M FREE!!!

By the end of the week, or should I say, END OF THE SPRING BREAK! I felt miserable as the time had past by quickly. Reflecting back on my holiday, I think I had a fun, enjoyble and fabulous 2 weeks. Even now, I feel I want to have a break AGAIN!!!!